I've finally got around to buying a new desktop for home use.
Nothing fancy, but because I want the best bang for my buck, I've
put off the purchase for quite sometime now. Being an IT
guy, of course I chose to have my system assembled from the shops in
Sim Lim Square instead of a PC vendor.
So, like any decent programmers/IT specialist will do, I analysed my
requirements first. My needs are simple:
- It has to be at least dual core - I run VMware so nothing
less than a dual core for me.
- It cannot be an overkill - I've seen too many instances
where money is really put to waste. (Raise your hand if you've
heard someone bought a quad-core processor to do word processing.)
- Plenty of hard disk space and running SATAII but must also
support IDE drives,
- It must be supported by Linux and be able to run
Compiz/Compiz Fusion.
- I prefer Gigabyte motherboard - been using it since my first
desktop and never had any problems with it.
With my requirements listed carefully, I settled for Gigabyte
motherboard GA-G31M-S2L, which has Intel GMA 3100, Realtek 8168B
PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller, I specifically mentioned
these two components because they have been my biggest worry if I
were to use Linux.